Details, Fiction and Washington DC Wedding Photography

Your wedding day is something that females dream about from when they are young girls. With the engagement party over and all the excitement and planning of the big day getting closer and closer, the soon to be wed needs all the help they can get.

Your wedding photography will be the most important thing for the happy couple in years to come. In generations, when they are sitting on their couch showing there Grandchildren the photos of their Wedding Day, the bride and groom want to be proud of the images they can show and also bring back those amazing memories that they felt in their youth.

Below are a few things to keep in mind when searching for your Wedding Photographer

Duration of Photography

After spending thousands of dollars on your wedding Day I believe it is so important to have a Photographer by your side for the whole day from start to finish. Amazing Wedding Photography tells a story of your day in a chronological order, that in itself will show a friend or family member all the emotions and excitement of this truly magical day. People who were lucky enough to be at the wedding should be able to look at these photos and be taken straight back to that place in time and with it the emotions come rushing back. A bride should be able to look back at her photos and remember "this is the moment when my father was giving me away", rather than, "this is when the photographer asked us to hold this pose so it would look like we were cutting the cake".

Wedding Photographer's Personality

Your Photographer's personality would have to be nearly the most important aspect of choosing which photographer to go for. Is he/she going to work well under pressure, are they bubbly and outgoing, are your friends and family going to get along well with them. A wedding photographer can have the absolutely best portfolio online and have some amazing images, however if they are going to be arrogant or stressed out during the day it can have a large effect on the bride and whole wedding. Your photographer should be smooth elegant, with a large passion for customer service. After all, they are giving a service and in return should ensure that they help to make the day as amazing as possible.

Destination Photographer or Location Photographer

When choosing a Destination Wedding there are two different types of photographers you can go for. A photographer that resides at the location or a photographer that excels in destination weddings. The photographer that lives at the location will know the location inside and out, however can be very expensive. Your Destination Wedding Photographer will be highly skilled at shooting different locations, are usually a little cheaper even after paying for travel costs and usually have a plethora of knowledge when it comes to destination wedding. Always do as much research as you can before choosing a photographer and arrange a meeting in person if it is possible.

Aunty Cheryl or Professional Photography

When traveling abroad, Aunty Cheryl is a lovely lady and has taken some great photos. However does she have what it takes to document your special day. After spending thousands of dollars for this one day your wedding photography is your one memento that you will have for the rest of your life to look back on. Long after the honeymoon is over and you are getting back into the daily grind of work and life you don't want to look at your photos and regret what you are looking at. When it comes to looking at your photos and you don't like one of the photos, it may save you $1000 to go with Aunty Cheryl but imagine. You can not do over this day and why have the anxiety of whether you are going to be happy with your photos or not.

Look for good images, not good packages

When looking at a photographer's wedding photography online always look for good consistent images, not the large array of different packages they may have. You want to see images that have consistent lighting but are not just repetitions of each other. A good photographer will be able to make the best of all lighting conditions and if all of their images look exactly the same but with different couples look somewhere else.

Wedding Packages are easy to develop and a good Wedding Photographer will understand that each couple is unique and thus should develop a package to meet each need. You shouldn't be forced between choosing Package 1, 2 or 3.

All up I would say do your research as much as you can and always try to compare what you like about each different photographer.

Choosing a Wedding photographer is an extremely important decision. It is important not to go for the cheapest or the easiest option. Because the photographs will be with you forever; they are the memories of the best day of your lives, this is.

When choosing a wedding photographer it is important to have a clear idea of what type of photographs you want, do you want Reportage Wedding Photography that will report the story throughout the day or is a contemporary wedding photography more your cup of tea?

A photographer's website is a clear indication as to what type of photographer they are. If it is a bright, attractive, clear website it is a very good indication as to how they approach their photography. On the other hand, it is a boring, cheap website with very little work being put in to it then their photography may well follow suit. Photographer's use their website to sell their business, as with anything, follow your first instinct.

Ask the Wedding Photographer for a portfolio of work that he has done for other clients and ask for examples of the style of photography that you want. It is important to meet a few different photographers to find one that you feel comfortable with, that you feel comfortable approaching with ideas and are confident that they will take the ideas on and implement them exactly how you would like. Don't be scared to ask for some clients names and telephone numbers that the photographer has worked with before to get a good feel for how they are to work with. The photographs in their portfolio might look incredible but they could be awkward or unreliable to work with. Best to find this out in advance rather than the big day.

Once the wedding photographer has a clear idea of what you require from them it is time to discuss cost, again it is important to meet a few photographers in order to ensure that value for money is being received. Very often photographers charge based on what they think they should charge, not how much their work is worth. Once you have met with a few photographers you will have a good idea of what they charge for what standard more info of work you can expect.

On the big day itself if it is reportage wedding photography you are after you will want the photographer to be there from the start to report you getting ready and travelling to the venue. Sometimes two wedding photographers can be useful, one to report the bride and one to report the groom.

Regardless of what type of wedding photography you decide on it is important to keep in regular contact with the photographer, running ideas off each other and pointing out any areas that you feel they are missing, are they getting enough family shots? Are they getting up close and personal or are they standing off? Are they putting in to practice what you discussed before the wedding?

Remember, these are photographs that are going to stay with you forever. You have to make sure they are going to turn out exactly how you want them, after the wedding it is too late.

Once the Wedding Photographer has done his work and the big day is over it is now time to decide how you want to receive the photographs. The cheapest option is to have them put on a compact disc and sent to you but is this really how you want your wedding photographs to be delivered?

A great way to have this done is to get the wedding photographer to take as many photographs as he can and then send them to you. You can now go through all of the photographs and decide which ones you want to keep and which ones you don't. The wedding photographer can now collate all the final photographs and put them in to an album that you both like.

The album might not seem like a huge deal but it will probably be the only one you will ever buy so have a look at what the photographer can offer. , if they don't have anything that you fancy you can always buy one yourself and give it to them to populate for you.


You will now get all of the photographs that you want delivered to you in the album that you want. This in my opinion is the best way to receive the photographs that tell the story of the best day of your life.

Oh and don't forget the disc to make copies for the family!!

Your Photographer's personality would have to be nearly the most important aspect of choosing which photographer to go for. A photographer that resides at the location or a photographer that excels in destination weddings. Your Photographer's personality would have to be nearly the most important aspect of choosing which photographer to go for. A photographer that resides at the location or a photographer that excels in destination weddings. Once the wedding photographer has a clear idea of what you require from them it is time to discuss cost, again it is important to meet a few photographers in order to ensure that value for money is being received.

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